Fitness Mentorship

Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can
— Arthur Ashe

You aren’t feeling quite like the spry young adult you used to be just a few short years ago, but the change was subtle. Now you wake up and your back is sore, spend the day hopped up on caffeine and make it through the day, only to rush kids to soccer practice, probably pick up takeout, only to  start over again tomorrow. The thing is, you’ve noticed your jeans fitting a little tighter and your doctor said your cholesterol was a little high when your bloodwork came back. You signed up for the gym because some news article said you should, but what next? Should you lift weights? Will you get hurt? Maybe just some cardio…but you hate cardio. Should you just get a home gym to save your valuable time? There was some product that promised miracles, maybe try that. Do you need to go on a keto diet? Do you need to wake up at 4 am to get it all done? Is it even worth it?! 

It feels overwhelming, so it’s no wonder why people go in fits and starts, only to give up in frustration. That’s because all those decisions ARE overwhelming…and that’s what I want to help with. You don’t need to worry about all that stuff. Do you need to exercise? Yes. But it doesn’t have to be complicated, and while I think the gym is great, I don’t think it’s necessary to be healthy. You certainly don’t need any trendy diets and, as a parent and business owner myself, I understand your time is limited and fitness can’t be your personality. My role is to wade through the mess and offer the longest levers that require the least amount of effort for the greatest payoff. You don’t need to run a marathon, or be an athlete (unless you really want to 🤩). But how would it feel to not hurt, or not be scared to throw your back out if you play a round of golf? Or what if you felt a little more confident in your clothes…What if you could get off your statins, or manage your diabetes without medication? The reported risks associated with Ozempic sound like a disaster. Accomplishing this might just be more possible than you think…and I want to help you. And it will DEFINITELY cost less than your drill sergeant personal trainer, and probably less than all the supplements you have tried.

I have been a physical therapist for a decade and a half and have exercised on a regular basis since high school, so I have the formal training to understand and work around your achy back, and the practical chops to guide you in the gym without the unnecessary fluff. I have the same schedule battle as you and I’m here to tell you, it can be done! I feel better in my 40’s than I did at 20…I used to spend hours in the gym, but now I’m lucky to get an hour (usually with a kid under-foot, so it’s not ideal). It just takes doing the RIGHT THINGS at the RIGHT TIME: exercise, plenty of water and not too much alcohol, watching my diet in a reasonable way (it’s ok to eat dessert on occasion) and prioritizing sleep.

It is under your control to transform your life. Do you grunt to stand up? Can you play a spontaneous game of pick-up basketball with your kids without fearing injury? Do you get home from work and nod off watching tv because you lack energy? Can you sleep through the night and does your back ache in the morning? If you feel this way now, what will it be like in 20 years? It doesn’t have to go that way, and it doesn’t need to be complicated. We just need to pull the right levers. You can transform your life and I’m here to help you do it.

In the relationship of partnership, I see myself not as a coach barking orders from the sidelines but as your running mate, a steady presence by your side. I reject the notion of a whistle-blowing taskmaster; instead, let's embrace simplicity and the 80/20 rule, unlocking the path to vibrant health.

Consider this: if you were to envision the habits of a genuinely healthy individual—simple principles yielding powerful results, you could probably take an educated guess, and be mostly correct. Yet, for many, daily implementation remains a challenge. I won't be just another coach wagging a finger with obvious advice that could be found anywhere on the internet. I aim to be your partner, delving into the roots of these behaviors, offering practical strategies, and helping you craft a vision to embody the healthiest version of yourself.

It's not about complexity or hardship; it's a gentle, one-step-at-a-time journey. Like a spotter in the gym, I'm here to assist until you find the strength within. Together, let's navigate this path, making decisions day by day, inching closer to your healthiest self. Your independence is my goal—just a boost away until you forge your own habits.

While modern medicine excels in life-saving interventions for acute emergencies, our current model often overlooks the non-urgent yet crucial issues that lay the foundation for our long-term well-being. Just as we invest in our financial future with daily contributions, nurturing our health with small, consistent efforts can be the key to thriving in our later years. Delaying action until we face immediate needs risks arriving too late to the game.

Death is an inevitable reality, but unnecessary suffering doesn't have to be. By taking small steps today, we pave the way for a future where not only survival but thriving becomes our narrative. Let's rewrite our health story and embrace the power of proactive, incremental change.

This isn't about traditional medicine or physical therapy, both undoubtedly essential in their own right. Yet, as mentioned before, they might miss the mark on non-urgent needs. My mission is to guide you in mastering straightforward, actionable behaviors that undeniably shape your future health needs. Let's proactively sidestep emergent situations and the looming threat of chronic diseases – those so-called "diseases of civilization" need not be our destiny. Together, we can script a healthier narrative, steering clear of avoidable challenges and embracing a future of well-being.

What do you have to lose? Maybe a lot. On average, after 30, people lose 3-8% of their muscle mass per decade. Strength is one of the best predictors of mortality, and fortunately, one of the factors most under your control. Aerobic capacity even exceeds those numbers (about 10% per decade). Even though aging is inevitable, the misery most people assume comes along with aging might be more of a choice for most people. They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the next best time is today. The same goes for your health.  If you aren’t where you need to be at 40, what will 70 look like? Ignoring it is only storing up problems for later and the weight of a little discipline today is ounces compared to the pounds worth of regret by not acting when you had the chance. 

This program is tailored for:

  1. Busy Individuals: Juggling parenthood and other work-life responsibilities? I've been there. This program is your lifeline, crafted to integrate into your busy schedule, making self-care a non-negotiable priority.

  2. Fitness Beginners: New to exercise or struggling with consistency? Start at your own pace. JUST START…We're here to guide you into a sustainable fitness routine with unwavering support.

  3. Individuals with Nagging Injuries: Past injuries shouldn't derail your fitness journey. Our program, informed by a Physical Therapist, helps you navigate and improve these challenges, ensuring a safe and effective path to your fitness goals.

  4. Health Enthusiasts Seeking Guidance: Feeling overwhelmed on your health journey? Not sure where to start? Our program simplifies the process, offering impactful, straightforward strategies to kickstart your wellness transformation.

  5. You Just Don’t Want to Think About It: Motivated but the paradox of choice causing you to procrastinate? This program takes the thinking out of the equation. Let us handle the details while you focus on the transformative journey ahead.

What this program is not:

  1. A Replacement for Medicine or Physical Therapy: While we can collaborate with healthcare providers, this program isn't a substitute for essential medical or therapeutic interventions. It's primarily a fitness-based relationship to support any outside help you may need along the way.

  2. Overly Complex: Simple doesn't compromise effectiveness. We've streamlined the process to increase adherence and long-term success. Your fitness journey doesn't have to be convoluted to yield powerful results.

  3. Not Solely a Strength Training Program: With an abundance of strength training programs online, ours is distinctive. Yes, it incorporates strength training, but it's fundamentally about cultivating holistic, healthy routines tailored to your lifestyle.

  4. Not a Quick Fix: This program doesn't promise overnight miracles. We advocate for gradual, sustainable change that becomes an intrinsic part of your daily life.

  5. Not a One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Your journey is unique, and so is our program. We tailor our approach to fit your specific needs and goals, ensuring a personalized and effective fitness experience.

What does Fitness Partnership look like:

  • Monthly Zoom check-in and goal setting

  • Ongoing communication via messaging app/email to answer questions and problem solve

  • Regular fitness self-assessments to update goals

  • Simple, easy-to-follow, ‘to-do’ sheet, updated weekly

  • Beginner to Advanced workouts, warm-up routines, corrective exercises, designed by a physical therapist

  • An accountability partner to keep an eye on your progress and not let you slip

    if you email me, I’ll even send you a free workout template, linked to my YouTube playlist. Honestly, you could use this for the rest of your life and I think it would be enough. But the trick is sticking to it, and that’s what I’m here for. Email me